Special Education Department

Howard Kaplan, Assistant Principal

Our program enables students to achieve their high school diploma
while attending classes that address their individual needs.
We offer smaller sized classes and instruction that is parallel to
the mainstream.  Every student receives vocational experience by
participating in one of three Work Study Programs with area
hospitals and nursing homes.


ENGLISH 1: This course is designed for all students taking ninth grade English during the Fall semester. The focus will include: paragraph writing, new vocabulary acquisitions, journal writing, creative writing and figurative language.

ENGLISH 2: This course is designed for all students taking ninth grade English in the Spring semester. The focus will be the same as for English 1.

ENGLISH 3: This course is designed for all students taking tenth grade English in the Fall. The focus will be the same as for English 2.

ENGLISH 4: This course is designed for all students taking tenth grade English in the Spring semester. The focus will be the same as for English 3.

ENGLISH 5: This course is designed for all students taking eleventh grade English. The areas covered will be spelling, correctusage and review of sentence structure, sentnence variety, use of transitional words, vocabulary and reading. Much of the literature read will be congruent with the eleventh grade American History class. Written assignments will consist of expository essay writing, persuasive essay writing, descriptive essay wrioting, literature essay writing, narration, report writing, journal writing and letter writing. Teaching strategies will include a variety of oral and written forms to reflect the diverse learning styles of the students.

ENGLISH 5 - RCT English: This course was designed to prepare students to pass the Regents Competency Test in Writing. The course reviews basic writing skills and teahes specific strategies needed to successfully complete each of the three RCT catagories - business letter, persuasive essay and report.

ENGLISH 6 - Literature 1: This course is designed for all students beginning an advanced course of study in literature. The focus will include essay writing, learning logs, research writing (beginners), new vocabulary acquisition, and more extensive reading in the genres.

ENGLISH 7 - Literature 2: This course is designed for all students at the intermediate level of an advanced literature course. The focus will be the same as for English 6.

ENGLISH 8 - Literature 3: This course is designed for all students capable of an advanced course of study in literature. The focus will be the same as for English 7.

BASIC II - ENGLISH: This course is designed to give the non-High School Diploma bound students an opportunity to enjoy stories which will address their basic reading. listening and writing skills, with the aid of video equipment and tactile items.

GLOBAL 1: This course will study Africa, the Middle East and Latin America in the Global context. (i.e., the physical, historical setting as well as the economic development and the contemporary nations of each area.

GLOBAL 2: This course is a continuation of Global 1. It extends the students' knowledge of the various cultures of China, Japan, South and Southeast Asia from a global perspective. The comprehension of today's world requires the acquisition of knowledge, skills and attitudes concerning the ethnic diversity and cultural pluralism of the world.

GLOBAL 3: This course is a survey of Western and Eastern Civilizations beginning with Greece and Rome. The survey continues through the Middle Ages, Renaissance, Reformation, Age of Exploration, Revolution, Nationalism and Imperialism in the 19th Century.

GLOBAL 4: This course will enable the student to study the developing world from the eve of World War I to the present. The problem of nations in the modern era will be seen from a global perspective in order to highlight the growing interdependence of nations.

U.S. HISTORY 1: The preservation of our freedoms and our society requires an understanding of the roots of American democracy. This course will study the reason for the settlement of the colonies as well as an understanding of the Declaration of Independence and the essential ideals of this document. A further study of the Constitution will show how the founding fathers framed these ideals in an enduring government. American History through our Civil War is studied.

U.S. HISTORY 2: This course continues to teach the value and importance of democracy. The expansion of rights is examined in the 13th, 14th, 15th, and 19th Amendments. American's role as a world power is examined in the aftermath of the Spanish American War, World War I and World War II. Students will see how World War II gave rise to the Cold War and the Nuclear Age.

PARTICIPATION IN GOVERNMENT: The Participation in Government course is designed to introduce students to important issues at all levels of government. Students will be able to integrate knowledge of history with the basic principles of government. This will enable the student to acquire the prerequisite skills for decision making as a member of the electorate.

ECONOMICS: This course begins with the definition and identification of the basic elements of economic systems. The course will also cover Consumerism, money management and credit, labor unions, taxes and an introduction to career choices.

LIVING ENVIRONMENT: This course is designed for all students taking 10th grade science. The students will learn how living things are structured, enabling them to maintain a steady state of organic balance. In addition, they learn how living things produce succeeding generations and how they evolved and how they interact with the living and non-living environment.

ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: This course is designed for all students taking 9th grade science. This course emphasizes the appreciation and conservation of our natural resources, both biological and physical.

EARTH SCIENCE: This course is designed for all students taking 11th grade Science. The syllabus covers the structure of the earth, weather patterns, rock formations, the universe and space.

MATHEMATICS A: This course is part of a six-part sequence. It is intended to improve skills previously learned and introduce new topics. Topics to be introduced include problem solving, mathematical situations, Algebra, Geometry, logic, probability. statistics, geometry and sets through ccoperative learning, preparing students for the Mathematics A Regnets examination.

RCT MATH: This course reviews basic operations with whole numbers, fractions, and decimals. It introduces metrics, personal finances and graphing.

BII MATH: This course is designed to teach life skills math including counting and managing money using measurements and increasing consumer awareness.

READING/WRITING 1 : Designed for ninth grade students to improve basic reading and writing skills. Specifically students are taught dictionary skills, context clues, and structural analysis to improve vocabulary, comprehension skills and basic sentence structure.

READING/WRITING 2: This is a continuation of reading/writing 1. Skills taught also include development and improvement of vocabulary, comprehension skills and basic sentence structure.

READING/WRITING 3: This course is divided into five units including the writing process, writing mechanics, grammar and research and study skills. The focus is on the forms and process of writing.

READING/WRITING 4: Focuses on writing compositions writing stories and reports. Students focus on usage, and developing test-taking skills in both reading and writing.

SPANISH 1: A year of a foreign language is a high school diploma requirement. The first semester emphasizes on listening, speaking, writing and reading elementary Spanish.

SPANISH 2: This special course of Spanish 2nd term features evidence of Spanish as a living language sued throughout the world. This book "Spanish Now! vol. 2" contains photographs of famous Spanish persons, places, art, riddles, proverbs and brain teasers. The drills are imaginative, varied entertaining. This makes the study of Spanish stimulating and fun.

ESL: This course is outlined to assist students whose second language is English. This course aims to help students learn how to use the language correctly and grammatically. These students will accomplish this through practice with meaningful conversational exchange and specific exercises that are made possible with several workbooks and texts.

COMPUTER 1: Review keyboard; learn fundamental of the computer (functional, cursor keys, page up, page down, etc.)

COMPUTER 2: Review computer fundamentals. Learn advanced word processing, spread sheets.

WORK/STUDY: Beth Abraham, Aging of America, and Frampton Hall: Students, 16 years and older serve as volunteers at local hospitals and other facilities in a diversity of jobs which include office tasks, messenger and patient services, recreational activities, child care, data entry, and records and inventory services. Students satisfy a high school diploma requirement and learn pre-employment skills and procedures. A teacher is assigned to work individually, and to supervise the students at the worksite.

We are following the current educational trend by intergrating our students into general education classes, giving them access to broader knowledge and broader scope of content area and elective subjects. We are pleased to offer Team Teaching classes in English, Mathematics, Social Studies and Science. Our team teaching electives include Virtual Enterprises, Computer Applications, Bookkeeping, Graphic Communications, Automotive shop, Ceramics, Food Sciences and more.

The Department offeres excellent programs in art and music. We offer a full array of opportunities to enhance our students' creativity.

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